I have a very complex, sad, and intriguing story to tell. A very serious
crime was committed against me. Committed against me by the very people
who are supposed to protect me -- the Police. I was raped. I am male, I
was 35 years old at the time and was given a very powerful drug --
Burandanga, Nightshade, Scopalamine. It goes by different names. Then I
was raped. Men can be raped too. He used his hand.
This happened 10 years ago and for the longest time I refused to acknowledge
that this happened. After all, how could I, a healthy strong 35 year old
male allow myself to be laid down on my own bed and raped? Surely, I either
didn't really do it or I must have been cooperative. The perpetrator was
a man. Well the way he was able to do it was because of this drug. The way
I found out about this drug is there was an article on the front of the
July 3, 1995 Wall Street Journal. It makes the victim totally compliant
and causes him to have no memory , or poor memory of the event. So now
I understand.
I am mad, frustrated, and at times feel horribly worthless
because of what happened to me, who did it to me, and the fact that I did
not, (was not able to ), press charges and seek justice. I know now how
horrible a crime rape is. It degrades the victim in the worst way possible.
I am very concerned that there are these drugs out there that can put
people under someone else's control. And the fact that it was the Police
that raped me, my God, they have since spent considerable effort covering
it up.
I am sane. I am 45 years old, college educated, hold down a good job, and
have a wife and family. I do not know where to turn or what to do.
Below, is a brief overview of my story:
So what happened?
To answer that question is a Loooong story. But here it goes.
In 1982 I ran for County Commissioner in a medium sized city.
Now 1982 was a non-presidential election
year. This town is heavily Republican and I ran as a Democrat.
This town is the home of Senator A, then a powerful Senator, who
has paid political advisors. It has been said that this town was
used by him for D.C. politics as a training ground. I believe they used
me (by they, the politicians) as training for going after Senator Hart
(the one that fell from grace via Donna Price).
The FBI, for one reason or another, got their arm twisted into doing
surveillance on me. Why, I can only guess. My guess is that Senator A.
or other heavy hitters in the Republican party put them up to it. Anyway,
they tapped my phone, bugged my home, infiltrated my business ( I was a
small home builder), offered me prostitutes to blackmail me when my wife
was out of town etc, etc, etc.
Something more serious also happened to me. I was raped. Men can be
raped too. I was given a drug and this guy raped me in my own bed.
It is my belief that he was some sort of sub-contractor for the FBI
and was former CIA. The masochist, homosexual Hoover used to do this
to "his" FBI boys (agents), tape record the session and use it as
blackmail on them. I believe I was raped to be "put in my place", and/or
"be taught a lesson". At any rate it was not for the rapist's enjoyment.
Now legally the FBI is not really supposed to do this sort of thing. In 1985 I
decided I'd had enough of this town and moved to another town.
But my dealings with the FBI did not stop. They continued, somehow to
contact me. On two occasions they gave me drugs to make me forget these events.
In 1986 I took a job with NOAA. Somehow some NOAA security guy found out
about my FBI history. First he thought I was some sort of mole for the
FBI, spying on NOAA. Then he thought I was with the CIA. I believe it was
during this time my case was moved from FBI to CIA. The FBI probably wanted
this because they had done all this illegal hanky-panky on me and they could
blame the CIA for it. Also the CIA can more easily hide behind national
Well, since then I have had more dealings with the FBI. I've even had FBI
agents who knew about my case advise me to sue the FBI/CIA and try and
get my files through the Freedom of information act. I always shied away
from this because I did not want to cause trouble and because I was given,
I believe, drugs in combination with hypnosis to forget the rape.
Recently my life has made some good strides. I have a good woman with me,
and we have a daughter. I have a good job. I finally have found the
courage to ask for my FBI file. I have been in contact with my Congressman.
I was told to ask for my CIA file. This I have done, reluctantly.
About the time I asked for my FBI file, the FBI has found a way to play
back the tapes they made with me during phone conversations from the
years 1985 to present. I believe, in some way they are giving me my
FBI file. However no one knows what to do about the rape.
I would like to close by saying that I remain a loyal American. I am a good
worker, good husband and good father. These things are the focus of my life.
However, I believe the gov't has made some serious errors in their dealings
with me. I am trying to find a way to see that justice is done. I am trying
to find a good lawyer that will take my case to court. There, I will testify
and call witnesses to testify and ask the court to award damages. I am also
interested in contacting others who have been harmed by these agencies.
These agencies will continue to harm Americans and those overseas until action
is take to make them pay for their mistakes. It is legal, moral and
important to make sure the Secret Police of the United States of America
does not break the law. It is not against the law to run for political
office and the FBI should not be used to do surveillance on those that
do. I hope you agree.
I have no desire to divulge national secrets. I have never signed a security
oath. Do you know if I would be breaking any laws by divulging what I have
At the very least I would like to be debriefed. Debriefed by someone with
credentials in a place where I would feel safe and with a witness.
Thank you for your interest.
I have broken no laws. I hope they don't make me forget again. They are my memories,
no one should have their memories taken from them. It is their life and it
is theft of the self.